Friday, November 19, 2010

Something to Do

Yesterday I put Samantha down for tummy time and as soon as I put her arms underneath her she rolled over! She is getting so big so fast! She had a hold of my hair today and she just laughed and laughed, the single most amazing sound I have ever heard!! She plays with her toys now, reaches out for things you hand to her. My 4 month old, time flies! I love her with more than my heart could ever gather for anyone less than my child. I look at her things while she sleeps now and just the thought of her fills me with joy. I love every second of her being. This is precious precious time here, now. I will not waste it!



  1. She is so cute! Its amazing how much we love these little ones!

  2. It is the most amazing thing ever! Your daughter is beautiful. Love for our children is the glue of our existence, I think.
